
By Hamp5on


Today Asha and I have been caught in the rain THREE times! Saw my sister and Sammy this morning, Asha charmed a lady in the cafe and ended up sat on her lap having her book read to her!!! Unfortunately I didn't take my camera to get a pic!
I've sold a few things on ebay, so I've been wrapping parcels and writing out addresses - amazing how much money you can spend in the Post Office when you're sending enough items!
Oh but the event of the day was Asha catapulting herself out of her cot this morning - I heard a thud and a screech and found Asha in a crying heap on the floor! Time to put pillows in front of her cot for a softer landing methinks...
This pic is Asha being very pleased with herself at extracting the rubber tubing from down the back of the sofa!

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