An Adonis - no doubt about it as he is the most beautiful butterfly. A jewel in the crown of butterflies with the most brilliant of turquoise upperwings edged with a fine black line and white fringe dotted by the black veins.
No mistaking it sitting almost glowing on the chalky grassland of the Chilterns which I climbed in the hope of seeing one as we don't have too many here. Near the base of Milk Hill in Wiltshire snuggled in the dips and hollows out of the gusts of the wind, it still hugged the floor mostly but occasionally fed on the nectar of the scabious and vetch.
I did have an encounter with a herd of bulls who really didn't like me being so close and I thought it wise to hot foot albeit carefully out of their vicinity. Having looked up to see this huge pair of horns only eight feet away and for some reason he was stamping and grunting fiercely I was honestly frightened as I knew the gate was not too close!! I spent the rest of my time there sneaking round, crouching furtively undercover of the undulations of the hillside! Stupid really as I'd seen a few people wander close to them.
Glad I have ticked off another species so a happy bunny here and it was worth the hour and a half drive to get there.
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