
By Mindseye

Cats got the cream!!

Not the best nights sleep last night.....four hours maybe! Ended up sharing a bed with Emily.....she is such a heavy breather when shes asleep, it was like sleeping (well trying) with Darth Vader :-D

Emily is back home today so we went out for lunch with her before dropping her back to daughters house. As you can see she decided on hot chocolate, with marshmallows and cream and a cheese burger......we had our usuals ;-)

Daughters cat went missing a good few months back and Emily had been promised a new one in a few months time.......well, when we dropped her back home, Mum had been to collect their new addition. A totally black little lady with huge green eyes....who is going to be known as Bella.......she is just over a year old, but quite timid and apparently wailed all the way home :-/

We are off quizzing tonight, if we can stay awake ;-)....looking forward to some adult company and conversation after the last four days :-))) as enjoyable as its been ;-) and a good nights sleep too!!

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