Time for a Cuppa

"I can't rememember how to get to Glossop, Sue. I shall have to follow you."

"It's a straight road."

You always say it's a straight road....and I don't even know which road it is."

Sue told me that it was a straight road to Uppermill.....that would be the straight road that I should have turned left on last week.....I ended up lost!!! That would be the straight road today that we went round a roundabout, then right then left...or was that left then right? Lol. I followed her without mishap.

We are in Ashton tomorrow....amazingly I actually remember how to get there ha ha.

I was very glad to put my feet up for fifteen minutes on my driver break tonight. I'm absolutely knackered...but one more day to go!

I was putting a needle in a donor and told me how he had recently fallen out of a tree. He was trimming some branches when the branch he was stood on snapped. He fell down hitting every branch like one of those coloured monkeys from the game. He said his wife had fallen about laughing as he bounced off every branch. I can just picture him coming down in a Homor Simpson cartoon fashion lol. He was a lucky chap.

I am absolutely knackered now. I am very behind on comments, but I shall endeavour to catch up with everyone this weekend.

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