
This morning CyclopsJnr made cake with MrsCyclops.

This afternoon CyclopsJnr went swimming with cyclops.  He spent the whole time leaping in, swimming back to the side, clambering out, and repeat.  A lot of the time he had no armbands on - he can't quite swim above the water yet but he can do 6ft underwater easily, so he can get back to the side unaided from even his biggest leaps.  He seems to have grazed (or at least caused a rash on) his tummy from all the hauling himself out over the rough pool edge (probably not helped by the odd belly flop), and he was suffering a bit by bedtime.  There were a few tears.

I told him a good sleep would help, and later on his last words settling down were "I sleep now daddy, it make my tummy super better.  I be happy then.  I love you".  Brave wee boy!

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