and through the wire...

By hesscat

Paradise #greenman17

Saturday: It's much easier choosing 9 rather than 1 I say!

From left to right, top to bottom:

1. Ms H doing her "stick my head out the bedroom door trick". Of course it makes it hard for her to escape "my foot in her face" trick!
2. A stall that is there every year where the guy demonstrates making his wooden toadstool products
3. Directions
4. Spooky Flower Ladies swanning about
5. The Green Man/Dragon in close-up
6. The bubble store, there every year. These bubbles were smoke filled!
7. Happyness playing in the cramped Rough Trade tent
8. The main beer tent... loads of beers and tick list provided
9. A sound desk, I'd love to have that skill

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