This little fella was trapped in the laundry basket - one quick shot before letting him scurry off into the undergrowth.
A cool morning - after a thundery (but no rain) night, but with shopping to deal with in the morning, it was nearly the afternoon (and hot and sunny) before I started on my garden job. Which I finally accomplished (after many distractions) at about 7pm. The job I should have been doing was getting the rose arbour (yes, still that) straight in all vertical angles so I could put the first two horizontals up. So that means keeping the verticals straight in two planes while I attach the horizontal with equal parts projecting and the whole thing being level. And for the second one the extra crucial step of making it level at both ends with the first one (as this is the plane that Mr B will see from his usual spot on the terrace and he is a bit of a stickler for level-ness).
Anyway, all that made the other job (writing a contract requiring understanding of stuff I just can't compute) seem simple.
I think I know which job I'd rather be paid for.
I think.
CarbBoy had a pal over. Which, inevitably, attracted many other medium-sized boys to the house. So TallGirl mainly hid.
Now for some very much needed sleep. My drilling/screwing arm is exhausted.
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