Wild Thing.............

Thankfully, the new cooker arrived this morning, and i can't praise  ao.com. enough. They even took the old cooker away, free of charge. The actual fitting, didn't go totally to plan though. When J offered up the new cooker into the unit, the shelf supports for the microwave,which is above. was obstructing the cooker.  He had to take out the microwave oven, then remove the shelf, and make new brackets, which took up less room than the other supports. He offered up the cooker for the second time, and it fitted perfectly. All's well,that ends well. After lunch, J had to go to the DIY  shop in Aberkenfig, as he wanted a Stanley knife for his modelling , so I walked up to the church, and had a look around the gravestones. It was very overgrown, and a lot of the graves are in a very sad state. This cat was peering at me through the long grass, and he frightened me to death, well nearly! On the way home, we called in to our daughter's as it is her birthday tomorrow. 

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