Have you ever...
... had a dream about photography? Not a daydream, but a real dream (an oxymoron?), while you were asleep?
Last night was the first time it happened to me. It was very intense and insistent, showing me a photograph in all its colours and details and telling me exactly where and how to take it. Problem is: The terracotta wall, so dominant in my dream, doesn't exist at the place indicated by the dream. What I found instead was today's blip.
I have been feeling uneasy and fidgety for some time now, trying to define where to go with my photography. Something is cooking, and pressure has reached a point where it's beginning to lift the lid.
This uncertainty is an awkward state to be in. I keep going out every morning, trying to find something - anything really - to photograph, knowing that it's not what I'm looking for. Not happy with any of my shots right now.
Only thing I can do is keep that fire burning.
Keep cooking.
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