"Elk Root"
From the Daisy family she is
With stems so tall and strong
She fits amongst others
For she always does belong.
A large impressive center
From which the pedals grow
I truly enjoy my Coneflower
Her beauty amazes me so.
- Marilyn Lott
The purple coneflower, also known by its Latin name Echinacea, is a native wildflower of North America known to many different American Indian tribes. In Western tribes like the Ute, coneflowers are associated with elk and called by the name "elk root," due to the belief that wounded elk seek them out as medicine. Coneflower roots were used as traditional healing herbs by many tribes, especially in the Great Plains and Midwest, to treat many types of swelling, burns, and pain. Coneflower has also been chewed ritually during sweatlodge ceremonies and the Sundance. The coneflower is considered one of the sacred Life Medicines of the Navajo tribe. (http://www.native-languages.org/legends-coneflower.htm)
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