Since I was having a trip to the big city I swapped my scruffy shorts and many hop-smelling shirt for reasonably clean clothes and trousers with legs and hopped onto the train with my over-50s ticket - 70p off! A fine day of wandering around like a tourist although I'd need another three people to do it properly - the four of us taking up width of the pavement and stopping occasionally to photograph things.
First call was to the Oxford to firm up plans over a Deuchars and chat with the landlord and in the course of the chat he produced some vintage beer. Best before July 1992. I'm sure it would be fine but he just rubber-eared my hints that he crack the Golden Promise.
Some wanderings, a visit to the book festival to see Liz Lochhead, who was very funny although I'm not sure it made me any more likely to read a poem. Being the book festival, it had its usual annoyances including the bad haircuts sitting at the ends of empty rows and huffing if anyone asks them to move so that they can take one of the available pews, people smelling of VapoRub and people who turn up at the last minute then glare accusingly at everyone already seated.
Haircut and then beers with @mostlynorth before something turned up to cut the evening short so it was just a station pasty and home.
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