
By Murmuration

Public transport

Being fortunate enough to own my own car I don't often have to travel by bus but my car was in the garage today to have its rattle investigated ( the mechanic has confirmed that yes it does have a very severe rattle but is at a loss to suggest what is causing it) and so I had to walk from work into Perth to catch the bus back to Abernethy. All was going well until when I got on the bus the lady driver leaned towards me as I was paying and murmured conspiratorially,b' do you know how to get there?' I was, unsurprisingly, slightly taken aback by this. I do know the way from Perth to Abernethy but not the exact bus route. Fortunately an old guy at the back at the bus knew the route and proceeded to shout it very loudly as we made our way. Nice to have my car back, even with its mystery rattle!

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