We had better start giving a fig . . .

We have to take pleasure in the simple things at times like these. Dot treated me to a lovely lunch in Eixample before going directly to the airport to catch her plane.

Interestingly, one street in our very local barrio which celebrates it's annual street festival this year has put up a huge sign saying 'Guiri Free Zone' (Tourist or Foreigner Free Zone). Doesn't make us very comfortable especially as our 'foreignness' is hard to hide. It's unacceptable, both for two-day visitors or people like us who have been here for over 9,500 days. Xenophobia has been unleashed in a most unpleasant way helped, in my humble opinion, by Brexit and Trump. I saw another sticker on a lamppost yesterday saying, 'Tourists kill Barcelona' . . . it seems to be the other way round at the moment.

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