A quickie!

Well once more I attended a clinic in which i was given the third degree by yet another nurse. The first one some weeks back stole blood, the second one asked if I ate fruit or veg and that salt was evil. All this one did was take my blood pressure which she said was too high then said eat less red meat and more chicken and fish and yet more bloody veg!
I may eat red meat but I know where it came from , the field it lived in and its ear tag! I don't buy from supermarkets or even most butchers who get their meat from the meat market and I can tell you now much of that is dodgy. As for shop bought chicken! It's filled with more growth hormones and other unsavoury things so why should I eat that! Fish! Comes from mercury filled waters and as for veg, well there aren't many that these crooks Monsanto haven't turned into Frankenstein killer veg. She then implied that I walk faster to improve by heart rate! It was fast walking that got me into this predicament in the first place! She then proceeded to hand me card her business card if I needed to phone her. Why in God's name would i want to phone! And whats with this "here's my card " crap anyway. Im no further forward and like the other two said "see us in a month" though she did hint that the next step , literally, will be the dreaded dreadmill and a fitness test! She made it sound like a threat. Watch this space.
Tonights dinner: spag bol with yes mince from Kintyre, fresh onions from the farm shop, home grown garlic and fresh tomatoes, probably a whole lot healthier than what she will likely  cook!

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