Washing the Waterpark

The lifeguards were out early this morning getting the waterpark ready for young customers. This chap went over his section very carefully with a mop and was proceeding to rinse it off with bucketsful of water.

We were pleased that Ozzie seemed to be back to his usual self this morning when we walked around Spring Lake. It was taking him so long to recover from the long, hot trip to Oregon that we decided to leave him at home with Will for our trip to Southern California. Then Will came with us so the rest of the family stayed with Ozzie. I don't know who stayed where, but we will find out soon when everybody arrives for a barbecue. They are all busy now that school has started again, and I think Ozzie spent quite a bit of time alone...time to reflect and appreciate how much we spoil him. He was happy to see us when we got home.

We have taken to going to Trail House, a newish cafe close to Spring Lake.. The owners are hoping its proximity to Annadel State Park  will make it attractive  to hikers and bikers. It's an attractive place with a bike repair service in the back with a little counter where one can sit and watch the repairs being performed and chat with the technician. They can even do so over a beer, and several people were availing themselves of that opportunity despite the relatively early hour. Bikers are gear heads and seem to be able to talk endlessly about their bikes and their routes. 

The parking lot was full of pickups and cars with impressive bike racks on them this morning, but we were able to find a place in front. I was struck by the layers of images in the front windows as we headed back to the car, and put a picture in the extras.

Although the state park can be seen from our kitchen window, we rarely go there because there are no dogs allowed. We are unable to ascertain why speeding mountain bikes and horses are allowed yet dogs on a leash are not. 

It is not a priority battle these days, with a crazy man in the White House, and articles in the paper saying his supporters are still insisting that despite the fact that his government seems to be imploding, his 'base' still think he's doing a great job. Who are these people anyway? If you're not boycotting the news, here's an interesting article in the Sunday Review section of the New York Times written by one person who changed his mind.

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