Soggie doggie

Last night Ann went to a 'surprise' 60th birthday party for her friend, Wendy, at the 'West Cornwall Golf Club'. What a fabulous evening. Thank you soooo much for the invite. xxxx

However, this morning Ann said, 'Molly, you're going on a normal morning walk, then I have lots and lots of domesticated chores to do and then I have to work this afternoon. You are going to have your afternoon walk at lunchtime because I'm working this afternoon and we have to go back to the Golf Club to pick up my car because I drank copious quantities of alcohol last night???

Walking all the way to the golf club is not really the most exciting walk in the world for a gorgeous little collie. Firstly, I had to stay on my lead for the whole walk (and it took us over an hour) and secondly, it was absolutely pouring with rain so we both got soaked through to our skin.

Not the best walk that I've ever been on in my life but hey ho; everything can't be perfect all of the time can it???

…............And don't I just look like the cutest pooch ever, lying in the car with a towel drapped around me?????????????????????????

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