my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


Cold and Windy autumn arrived - the leaves were blowing from the trees and landing on all our faces on the school walks today.

I promised the girls...when we get home, it's doors closed, onsies on and a warm evening in together.

Promise fulfilled.

Homework had to be done though, it was maths...not my strongest subject* J did her mental arithmetic brilliantly. Eve had some 'number bond pyramids'. We managed it but I'm well aware of my shortcomings.

Eve (7) asked me to check her work...I did, by writing out the sums. She ran into J to say "Mum's checking my work BY WRITING OUT THE SUMS!" and they both fell about laughing.

Clearly, I may need to pay for a maths tutor.

I'm rubbish.

HOWEVER *she redeems herself* I have read a bedtime story every night to all my girls (20, 10, 7) until they didn't want me to.

The youngest loves bedtime stories so much I think I may be doing it when she's in Uni. Tonight we read one of our favourites...Dogger! BLIP.

Despite reading it a gazillion times..Eve still stops on every page to ask questions. Sign of a good book.

Numeracy = badmum
Literacy = goodmum

*understatement of the year. Proud owner of a CSE maths certificate.

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