Do Not Disturb
A hint of sunshine today as we went out for a drive, first to Abernethy for a very nice lunch at Berryfields Café and then on to the Birnie and Gaddon Lochs (see Extra) at Collassie in Fife.
My hip had re-adjusted itself a bit so I dared a short stroll, leaning on my walking stick on one side and my poor husband on the other! The sun had disappeared by this stage, although it was warm and pleasant to walk. We were surprised to see this family of swans having an afternoon snooze right by the footpath, not in the least bothered by passers by.
We walked as far as the stone circle (see Extra) and I loved the three unusual granite rocks set in one wall.
Home again via Dundee and the new V & A Museum which is coming along well, but still looks hideously ugly! Hope it is better inside:-)
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