Special Sunday # Book

Today I wanted to go Mapua and see the Kotuku that Mrs Happy and Lizellen have featured in their journals.  I wasn't disappointed.  It does exactly what they said.  We got there a bit after 10 am and he was already waiting on a roof top.  He filled the time with some preening and then flew down to sit on the table outside the fish shop.  At 10.30 am his fillet of fish was delivered to him.  There have to be extras off course: a view off the shops he was perching above, waiting on the table, eating his fish and his best side.  The last extra is a page from a book so I can fulfill the August photo challenge.  I've never stuck to something for this long before so I could not waver today.   I know seeing the heron in this built up environment is not as exciting as seeing it in it's natural home but it is special to be so close to it. 

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