
By HerbSusan


Briefly warm enough to go surfing with K&A ... but in addition ... in my usual 'don't leave anything plastic on the beach', mode (I end up clearing bags of the stuff off the beach some days), I persuaded K to pick up a plastic boat fender/bouy that was in the sea near the shore line. She squealed, "it's covered in monster things" but still carried it out. We'd never seen anything like the strange crustaceans that covered one side of the large plastic cylinder. We set off ... initially to dispose of the plastic but increasingly fascinated by the 'monster things' ... so we took it to the Marine Conservation Centre (http://www.polzeathmarineconservation.com/pvmca/Welcome.html). As we walked through the door they announced, "Wow, gooseneck barnacles, how fantastic" . Apparently they normally live in warmer climes (e.g. Spain, Portugal) and they'd never seen them here before. The assumption is the boat bouy/fender has fallen off a boat from foreign parts and floated here. They promptly put them in their tank and announced we'd made their day.

Elmo https://youtu.be/_yXlOvH-HHk (the best I could think of for Gooseneck Barnacle)

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