
By Beewriter

Catch Up

I met up with Jo and Catherine today at the Trafford Centre. We used to work together at the place I no longer talk about. Catherine is still there, Jo works in Dubai and I don't even look at the place as I drive past it. Unbelievably, it is three years since we met up....this photo is before that (I think), but it is always just like yesterday when we meet. 

I didn't feel too good today, I had a pain last night and felt terrible, but I managed to eat lunch and it is always a tonic to catch up with friends. 

As I was leaving the Traff who should I literally bump into but.....Lupes!! What a lovely mini blipmeet!!

I must get an early night now as I'm off to work at the crack of sparrowfart....overtime seemed like a good idea last week lol

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