
By mrsc48

Sunny Bulgaria.

This was our view this morning at 5.45am in Bulgaria. It was warm and quiet with the odd person arriving in after their night out.

We got checked in quickly and up to our rooms and into bed, not surfacing until lunchtime! It was a long night.

Anyway, once up off we went on a little 'reccy of the joint!' Lots of shops resteraunts and we are 5 minutes from the sea.

Now we did read trip advisor before we came and some reviews didn't read well! However, so far the beach being 5 minutes away and crossing a busy road has not been a problem to us, we fail to see how a bad review could be created from this, but each to their own.

With 'busy' road crossed and the lengthy 5 minutes to the beach we needed the obligutary, when ur on ur holibobs, large beer! Standards are not Spain standards and it wasn't ice cold or in a cold glass, neither was the 2nd in a different place or 3rd in the evening. So I must, and will embrace the culture and accept my beers may not be cold. It won't spoil my holibobs.

So with first beer on board and lunch which was slow to arrive and after evening meal was too we again must embrace the culture of no rushing, and why not, we are on holiday.

Now with beer and lunch on board teenage daughter who is now legally able to accompany me on my quest for cold large beer we set off for a walk and explore, leaving the gents to diet coke and Manchester United V Swansea. We walked a little while looking at shops and weighing up the cost of cocktails. We needn't have worried about that because as we approached the fat cat we were met by a sun tanned older jack the lad who would charm us into buying 2 shots each, a cocktail of our choice, buy one get one free for 10 leve which is about £5. We were gonna have one anyway so we had one there! We ended up buying the cheeky b***er two shots too but at 1L it was hardly going to break the bank.

Cocktails in hand in plastic glasses we continued our walk. When we got so far and saw domestic violence taking place on the street between young man and young lady we turned back and walked back the way by the sea edge. It was lovely.

After our lengthy walk and a beer to rehydrate! We went back to our hotel to find the gents front row by the pool on a sunbed! Holding cocktails!

Now, the sunbeds is an issue! You really need to be willed a sunbed! Luckily we have been - and a lilo! A family are leaving tomorrow and have left a lilo for our children, how kind. They were also vacating the sunbeds they were sat on so teenage son and Mr C were sat on them. People reserve their sunbeds very early in a morning! They haven't met Mr C who is up the crack of dawn every morning and has already chosen our spot for the morning, so with all towels in his posession we're in for a prime spot of sun bed tomorrow!

Evening meal was at Captain Duck, this has been described on trip advisor as Captain Yuck! We didn' t feel it was warrented, our food was fine, not speedy but we've covered that earlier.

We're off to bed now, 21.41 by our clock but you are 2 hours behind and we are still tired from yesterday.

Good night from sunny Bulgaria.

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