NO doubt about it ...

It doesn't matter how long it stands, you can't beat a bit of Bentonite & a filter.
BUT, whoever heard of a brown rosé?
Reminds me of a tale Mam used to tell of Mother in a Hat-shop ...
"Whoever heard of a green Rose, I'll just have that blue one."
Lo, it befell thusly ...
I have done a lot of whining and twining recently, but it's several years since I "Wined".
I got this idea to restart Wine making and started with "Rose Petal".
I gathered the petals as soon as it was obvious the flower was about to drop them, popped and them in the freezer to collect the requisite amount.
Came the day AAaargh! insufficient sugar, too late to go out and buy, scour the house for sugar. 
Result ... added "Icing",  "Soft brown" and "Muscovado" to achieve the necessary weight.
And YES Muscovado IS a word AND it exists. 
Spill chucker, read a few more dictionaries!
I suppose it's time, now to explain the thumb. …
I have said, for decades, that English is my second language, second to Cumberland dialect.
Some time ago, measurable in years, I "champed" my thumb in a car door, it never grew out totally. Sometimes it's actually clean but not often and never after garden work, but  it occurred to me I have not the slightest idea what an Englishman would substitute for "champed" in the above statement.
Returned, retrospectively, to add one I'd forgotten; noting the fact that the stripes on "Tigerella" become less distinct as they ripen.

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