On Alert!
These fawns were distracted from their drinking by a nearby sound. This photo was taken exactly two years ago when we were visited by many deer. The fawn in the middle was orphaned when he could barely reach the birdbath to drink. It was a rough time for him as the other does often would chase him off. Over time he managed to make a place for himself on the edge of the herd. The extra is a close-up of this fawn that I dubbed "The Orphan".
I learned a lot about the social structure of deer herds during that summer as we saw so many deer during that season. Sometimes when they were near the house, I could hear a fawn and its mother communicate and I could watch as they groomed each other. It was a very special time with many memorable and enjoyable moments.
Perhaps due to the severity of this past winter, we have seen very few deer around, and only one or two have come to drink at the birdbath this summer.
Today is my mother's birthday, she would be 102 years old if she were still living. It is from her that I learned my love of nature, beauty and the outdoors.
We have been crazy busy the past couple of months and I had to cease my involvement in blip. Now that I have more time, I will be rejoining the fold, so to speak.
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