
This formidable lady is my great-grandmother and I wouldn't want to tangle with her either. 
Her name is Fanny Vining and of course, she comes from theatrical stock although I think she abandoned her career in the theater for motherhood and gave birth to nine children instead.  My father's family, eager to carry on the Davenport name and finding that difficult to do since I was a girl, decided I should be named Fanny instead of Carol in honor of my great-aunt, who had achieved a degree of fame in the theater.  Mercifully, my mother intervened and absolutely refused to go along with that plan.  Since the name Fanny was no longer in fashion when I was born (1940) I can only imagine the horror of being a child with the name Fanny Davenport heading into school and adolescence in the 40s and 50s.   Mother did concede to my middle name which is Vining.  I rather like it so thanks again, Mom.   

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