Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Armchair theatre

They haven't really argued. In fact they spent most of their time wrapped up in each other's arms in brotherly love.

Spent most of the day in a nondescript hotel behind Victoria station today, looking at the technical guidance behind the shutting down of my bit of the NHS in time for 31st March next year. Met more old colleagues from years ago; the recycling of NHS managers seems endless. Also met a hugely enthusiastic and very friendly junior in a law firm (we had a lot of lawyers there today - it's a legally driven process) who reminded me of The Girl Racer. I have to say my experience of the 20 somethings of this world is really positive.

Got quite a lot of work done when I got home; the lovely SMc from my Dance Festival dropped in to get some cheques signed and we chatted about dance business, which also cheered me up. Then the lovely TSM came home and made my day complete.

One terrible shock 'though - Girl Racer went back to Uni today and had left her bedroom immaculate. I mean valeted. left me dizzy I can tell you. Haven't seen the floor for two years ...

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