Girl on a motorcycle (Day 834)

Yesterday, I made arrangements to have  my beautiful wife's motorbike MOTd. The weather forecast was pretty poor, but we decided it would be better to get it done than to wait.
There was thick mist as I wandered up the hill with the woofers this morning, but at least it wasn't raining.
Surprisingly, the day brightened, and by the time that HV got home from her overnight shift, it was a fairly nice morning. We got ourselves ready then rode to the MOT place. Thankfully, after all the work I have put into the bike in the last little while, it passed the test. On the way home, HV wanted to have a little bimble around on a quiet road doing some familiarisation with the bike, which gave me an opportunity to take a few snaps with my phone. I led us on a bit of a detour on the way home, enjoying finally being out riding with Mrs P. I am incredibly proud to have Kayte in my life and really proud of her for passing her bike test last week.
Back at home, we had lunch together before I zoomed off to do a bit more on the en-suite. Back there on Monday.

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