Seurat to Riley
We were at Compton Verney this afternoon to see the current exhibition they have which is around Op (optical) Art and starts with the pointillism of George Seurat and works toward the optical artworks of Bridget Riley.
The art works need to be seen in the gallery as moving to a different viewpoint often brings about different colours or perceptions of distance and perspective, so rather than photographing the work, I have gone for the stairway, fartnarkled to give some false colour.
Definitely worth visiting, and take the tour if you can too. Gill saw it from an artists perspective, I understood more about the way colours can give depth to a photograph. I was at work overnight so I doubt my tired eyes made the most of it, we'll be going back before it closes at the end of September.
The exhibition includes a wonderful piece of stage art from a Black Sabbath tour in the early 70s, powered by a bicycle, part of it rotates to be seen through cut outs. It would go with something artificially induced? Possibly Snowblind :-)
More info here.
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