
By Velofor

Will they make amends??

People like public services like saying how wonderful they are so today I answered their PR advert? on fb.  I have had an odd week as I had an x ray a few weeks ago and this week had a phonecall from a GP saying I have emphysemia so am qualified to say that there are crooks in public employment - no they aint heroes for those that might stereotype them and say "ooh they are all wonderful and deserve a trillion pounds a week and at least 51 weeks holiday a year".

The other persons name in the pic turns out to be a fireman and he has private messaged me trying to placate me but I replied with details and telling him that his profession here in my part of the fens is a total disgrace.  What other opinion does he think I might have when they acknowledge things are illegal but tell me to move!!

FTR he has removed the post I have blipped so clearly doesn't want to be party to doing what is right and clearly part of their stated job and is embarrassed by facts. 

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