Colin Parte

By ColinParte


It's my last full day in Kyoto, and I must say I've really enjoyed my stay here. I've stopped getting lost and I know where all the good coffee shops are. 
A shout out to Tully's (Irish name for a Japanese coffee shop chain?), as the staff there are unfailingly pleasant and courteous - give them a go if you're ever this far east (or west). Their wifi is top notch too.
The Canon wasn't fired in anger today. iPhone this morning for three Instagram shots (link below) including a really fun snap of a tour guide in Samurai clothing. He was very entertaining for both the kids, and me! And the Pen F for a wander around the shopping district this evening. This Blip was spotted from across the road under the light, so I crossed over discretely and conveniently two blurred shoppers were just in time to frame my subject. Pleased with that one! There are a few more in the album (again, link below)
That's it for Kyoto. Off to Tokyo tomorrow.

Flickr Album: Week 2
Instagram link: colinthehuman

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