Full of Beans!

It was a morning of gathering produce after doing the hens! Along with the peas, blue lake, black blauhilde and runner beans, I had a massive round courgette, raspberries, blackberries, nasturtiums, gladioli and verbena borealis! Plus 2 eggs! 
Once home I potted on my viola - £3 for 12 from Morrisons! I now have them by my front and back door! Just as I was finishing Nellie of the Woods called in - so perfect timing to sit down with a coffee and natter! Then it was a quick dash round to tidy up, jump in the shower and start cooking dinner for Friends daughters and one of their partners.
I have not seen them for ages so it was really good to sit down and catch up with them. They were all very chatty and they care deeply about the environment. They have all gone plastic free! Which has resulted in  very limited and careful shopping! Nothing plastic whatsoever - so no biscuits, no yogurt, cheese only from a deli, no crisps. They have found a store from which sells from containers into paper bags so dry food is ok but still limited! They make their own shampoo and soap from coconut - but they realise that with the production of coconuts comes deforestation and air miles! It's very hard living in a modern world it seems! I admire them and do try to avoid plastic and go for loose fruit etc, but I could not go completely plastic free.
The aubergine and halloumi stack on garlic mash with a honey and lemon dressing and nasturtium, with a side portion of beans and peas of course, led to a make your own pudding! Fresh fruit, natural yogurt, clotted cream, meringues. Then coffee and Amarula! 
There was much fuss made of Milkshake, as originally she was the eldest boyfriends cat! You wouldn't have thought so from Milkshakes decidedly lukewarm response to them all! Cats are so fickle! 
It was a lovely evening and it as good to see them all so relaxed and happy - Friend was mentioned here and there throughout the evening, but they didn't go  into her loss apart from saying some days were harder than others. 

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