October 4th Journal


Who was Jonas?

I am very proud of this Green Screen scene I made for the documentary "Who was Jonas?" by Valdimar Leifsson. The composition comes from this old painting, but I had to do a great "make over" of it in Photoshop.
Nearly every actor was filmed separately against a Green Screen and put on a layer. 1. The white horse and wagon in the background was filmed on a street in Copenhagen. 2. The Dog. 3. The Hens.
4. The Butcher played by yours truly. 5. The woman and the boy.
6. The Gutter is actually a small river I filmed in the east part of Iceland. 7. Jonas admiring the baby + the man with the red river cart.
You can watch the scene on You Tube. The narrator is telling us about the bad smell and the racket etc...

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