Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Hide and seek

Spent morning at home. Kids enjoyed just chilling out and playing with their toys. I spent most of the morning researching a product that I think may help Lime and talking on the phone to one of their reps.

After lunch we went into Loughborough to go swimming. Followed by Tesco, stables and home for tea. Toby and Eva always play hide and seek in these lockers.

On the way home a Flight of the Conchords track came on. I should really have skipped it as age inappropriate but it makes me laugh and I figured they wouldn't know what it's really about anyway. But Toby has been going round the house tonight singing "it's business, it's business time". Me and Mike have been in stitches. If you've not heard it and fancy a giggle, look it up on Google.

Just got in from boot camp. I am not going to be able to move tomorrow! As I came in the front door Mike went out of the back to go biking (to the pub) with his friends. So now I have to do the washing up.

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