Where is Mr Sunshine?

Today Ann did another weird shift at work. 11am-5pm. Obviously she has to work because she needs money to keep me in the luxury to which I have become accustomed. But 11-5?? That seriously disrupts my walking routine.

And as my dog sitter is being a bit funny at the moment, I had no one to take me out this afternoon.

For my morning walk we went to the beach. I'm allowed on the Harbour Beach before 8am and I had ever such a good time. I wallowed in rock pools, I rolled around on my back and I met a lot of my little doggie friends that I hadn't seen for ages.

And then do you know what happened when I got home?......................... Wayne appeared. Wayne is a decorator who came to paint one of our bedrooms. I initially woofed at him but then I realised I knew him. Ann said, 'Molly, Wayne is going to look after you for a few hours while I am at work.'

I had a little play in the field at 10.30am and then Ann went off to work and Wayne just ignored me. Well, that's not looking after me properly is it? When Wayne popped into work to see Ann this afternoon she said, 'Is MollyCollie in her bed or lying on the kitchen floor?' Wayne said, 'She's lying on the sofa but I didn't want to move her in case she bit me????' How funny is that? I've never bitten anyone in the whole of my life.

….............And amazingly when Ann came home I was lying flaked out on the kitchen floor. But Ann knew that I'd been snoozing on the sofa. How do humans know that???? Went for a walk to the Spar shop in the pouring rain to buy wine and by the time we got back, Ann was soaked through to her underwear and I was soaked through to my skin.


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