Redressing the Balance

Summer flowers after a few notes of Autumn lately.

Yesterday a blipper up in the North of Scotland posted a pic of their first Sweet Peas of the year.  These will be almost the last down here.  They've been flowering for a couple of months now but the stems are getting shorter and the flowers fewer.  Still beautiful though, I will always love them.

Jamie returned from his activity break.  He managed all the activities on offer and achieved more in some of them than some of the able bodied youngsters.  A nice break for both of us.  Ruth is back in Birmiingham, a temporary home until college restarts in September.  I started the day on the allotment early, rediscovering the leeks from an outbreak of weeditis!  Came back with a bucketload of onions to store.  Also got quite a few more pots of bulbs sorted but will soon be sung on the sofa with Jamie and NCIS.

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