Wide Angle Wednesday: Almost Tidy

Almost Tidy uses the first and last letters of AugusT to satisfy BobsBlips' WidWed challenge.

You might not agree, but if you had seen our garage before we started you would understand. 
Hobbs will concur as he called in during the exercise.

The car is normally on the right hand side but the left was impassable.
Of course there is still a lot of putting away to be done but a big ute load went to the tip.

As always there were some interesting finds.
An old 1975 programme from the self explanatory "Bar-B-Grog" that was an annual event when Mr isbi was at vet school. 
We could hardly believe some of the very funny stuff in it. 
It wouldn't be allowed these days. 
I think even our reasonably broad minded children would be taken aback.

There was also a trunk full of Graham's memorabilia which I can imagine he will have great fun going through with his sons. 
Included was about $40 in now defunct bank notes! I'm not sure if the bank will take them, or hopefully they are now worth more than their face value.

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