
Today was a fiesta day, Santa Maria I think...so Asha had no Summer School...it felt like an odd day, but in reality it was a good one. We sorted (well, Danny!) the holiday house problems...we weren't comfortable with having to pay more & in cash, so we ended up cancelling & recieving a full refund from AirBnB & amazingly finding a place we like even more (olive trees around the pool!!) that's available next week! So the holiday is still on! Hooray! 
And this afternoon we finally went and saw our new flat to be!! Hooray hooray hooray!! It's a state at the moment as there's all sorts being done to it, & it's full of stuff...but oh, the potential, and the space!! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a table to seat 10 people! It'll be a good couple of months before we're in, but I feel SO excited!
Then from there we headed to Caña Club where Claire had brought a friend with her...someone I've not seen since the Ibiza Rocks days! So we lifted a glass in celebration & gratitude for all the good things today!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Carmen's incredible kindness towards us...she could easily rent the new flat out for around 2,000€/month...but she's choosing to rent it for significantly less. 
2) Reading this today on prayer: God welcomes us into the living room of His heart where we can put on old slippers & share freely. I loved that image...
3) Caña Club - I love the friendship that is there...I love that every week people make the effort to come...I love that people bring other people to be part of it. I'm grateful for the friendships we have in that group.

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