Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Three brethren

Good night’s sleep last night. The weather didn’t look too good but we headed over Selkirk way for a walk to see the three brethren. These are three cairns built in the sixteenth century to mark the boarders of the estates of the three lairds from Selkirk, Philiphaugh and Yair. It was windy at the top so didn’t hang around for lunch. Found a nice spot on the way down. Kilda enjoyed herself especially when she saw the sheep. She hasn’t seen them very often and was very interested in them. Definitely can’t be let of the lead all the time on walks in case we turn a corner and see some. Felt a bit knackered after the 6 mile walk up the hills carrying the camera stuff but the new rucksack worked well again. Best camera bag buy so far. Managed to get a table for dinner in a pub at Ancrum. Nice food but a bit overpriced. Back to the van for a beer before getting ready for an early night. More walking to be done tomorrow.

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