
By RetiredDBA

Barbon to Sedbergh linear walk

Today the U3A group did a linear walk from Barbon to Sedbergh across Calf Top. Calf Top maybe the newest mountain in the country as it was remeasured a year or so ago and the Ordnance Survey have decided that it qualifies as a mountain as it is now officially more than 2000'.

The weather was pleasant as we set off but by the time we had reached Castle Knots waterproofs were required. The clouds then descended and the wind picked up and by the time we reached Calf Top at least one member of the group had donned a warm hat and gloves. The clouds cleared after lunch but the wind remained strong until we were descending towards Sedbergh. Many levels of clothes were removed as the temperatures soared in the warm sunshine as we arrived in Sedbergh. It felt as though we had had four seasons in a day. The day concluded with tea and cake in the Three Hares cafe.

The view of Sedbergh with the Howgills behind was taken from Holme Knot on the descent. The heather was particularly resplendent on the fells so there is also a shot in extras of the sheep enjoying the heather.

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