Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Evening Glow

I'll be blipping a day behind while we're here at Lake Granby, so this is Sunday's blip.  We left home early and arrived before noon.  It was sunny and beautiful so we took our time setting up.  Dark clouds started moving in about 1:00 and we could hear thunder in the distance. We decided to move inside and before long we started to get some rain and the lightening got closer. When the storm was right over us we had about 5 minites of pea sized hail.  It rained on and off the rest of the day and then cleared a bit just after sunset.  The light through the clouds cast a pinkish purple glow on everything.  This phone shot doesn't do it justice but it was my only shot of the day.
Thanks very much to everyone who visited my journal and left stars and hearts over the last few days!

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