The Daily Catch

I took Betsy to work today, and it was lovely and peaceful on the undercliff walk - I particularly like it at that time in the morning as there aren't many people around.  The sea was very calm and the tide was out and I spotted some Chinese people with fishing nets, so I stopped to take a couple of photos.  They were there yesterday too, and we think they're cockle picking.  

One advantage of having an e-bike is that I can turn the assistance off when I'm cycling on the flat or downhill and I'm doing this as much as possible as I don't want to get too used to it being easy.  But as soon as there's a head wind or a hill, I flick the switch and away we go!

I needed the assistance on my way home though as there was quite a strong head wind, and I only had 45 minutes to do the 7 mile journey as I was expecting a call at 5pm from the Nuffield.  I made it with 2 minutes to spare!

Thoughts are with CharlotteJ x x

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