286 Places of Worship
This is an interesting work by Nathan Coley at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. It's The Lamp of Sacrifice, 286 Places of Worship, Edinburgh 2004. The buildings are modelled simply in card. I was also taken by Pete Horobin's cell e brates, which is almost a pre-internet version of blipfoto! The exhibition is on until 24th September.
We'd actually gone to see the exhibition True to Life | British Realistic Painting in the 1920s and 1930s. There are some striking works in it. For me it was just too reminiscent of the style of Janet and John readers and Famous Five, from my early youth, to take seriously.
The Lamp of Sacrifice, 286 Places of Worship, Edinburgh 2004The Lamp of Sacrifice, 286 Places of Worship, Edinburgh 2004
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