
By Cigs

Rose Street Lane North

The episode where the Ciglettes try and follow in their dad's footsteps and become an employee of the local authority and carry out inspections with hilarious consequences. 

As promised, I set the little blighters to work; there is a dearth of Victorian chimneys to be swept in Greater Granton so instead I let them help set up TPR's stall at the top of Middle Meadow Walk (I may also have bribed them with a visit to the SKELF bike park)
Then I introduced the notion of work experience - 'Paul will give you a pound - each(!) - if we give him a hand to set up his stall today'. 
Cue wide eyed amazement at the prospect of such riches.

As it turned out, when Paul went off to park the van, he texted me and offerd a fiver each; I said I told them a pound and eventually we agreed on £3 each. 

We then struck a deal with Paul's workie neighbour at Tupinquim for lunch; she came and joined us for a lazy hour in the sun, watching the tourist go past and listen to various performers murder Ed Sheeran's back catalogue (no mean feat!)

To SKELF (ended abruptly when a guy did himself a major mischief when failing to land a puts a bit of a downer on the place when you have to negotiate your way around someone lying curled up in pain, waiting for an ambulance) and then to Cigs. 

Because the traffic was soooo snarled I figured we couldn't come to any harm taking the direct route down George IV Bridge, the Mound, George St, Dundas St, Abercrombie Place (ensuring we passed the final Cigs of Rose St). Big grins; they loved that they could go on proper roads and not be sidelined to cycle lanes. AND make swifter progress. 

Red pen, the 2013/14 season opener took place right here; a table topping performance if ever I saw one.

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