
By Undercovercairo

Kuwait Times

The local English language newspaper. Read it after my swim as there's a Costa coffee at the pool. Today's edition had a list of offences committed by different nationalities, police report, political issues from the Gulf region, world news, sport and business news.

Despite the heat - 45 - the humidity meant I didn't dry off while sitting next to the pool after my swim...

I was told last night by the haress (the man who is like a guard/concierge etc in our building that I always look happy. Despite my frustrations here, maybe it's not so bad after all. He'd come to look at a leaking tap and he's very keen to learn English, and wanted to chat. I will help him and his colleague for I took up English to teach those who couldn't necessarily afford lessons; the locals here can but many of the 'support' or customer service personnel here who far outnumber the locals can't. These  guys are Egyptian too - I think Egyptians will forever hold a special place in my heart. 

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