Minion to the Skies!

Back from Cropredy and back to the dSLR. Oh, how I wanted the 'proper' camera over the weekend at Cropredy. Not just the fantastic acts, but the people... the man in hospital gown and banana telephone, asking people to take his calls... the kids entertainment at the top of the field and the colourful and animated storyteller... the 'odd' people wandering here and there with piles of ill-balanced and exotic foods. Ah well, it was all about the music (and the beer, and the friendships and and)

So this evening I took Morrigan for a refreshing blast down to Bristol, to see the final day mass ascent of the Bristol Balloon Festival. Impossible really to take a picture of the mass ascent - anyone who has has probably used photoshop - as they lift and disappear into the white horizon even as the next twenty are filling their envelopes with hot air. But this is one of the early tranche of balloonists taking to the skies. Stuart Minion is about to head off, chasing after the Grenadier Guard.

One of the disappointments of living out here after Bristol is that we no longer get any hot air balloons surging over the house, as we did in Bristol. Sunday mornings were achieved by the alarm call of hot air gas burners as the balloons sought height over hilly south Bristol and beyond. Up here, not so much, and this evening's flight has drifted over Avonmouth way. Still, we don't in fact have an alarm call any more... every cloud. :-)

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