
By Stuart9613

Well Deserved

Gardening Day!It is hard to put into words how much I hate gardening and today I have spent all day at it.It just puts me in a foul mood and I do wonder what any passers by think as I swear and curse loudly throughout the whole time.
There is a lot of crap and waffle written about pruning but there is no technical skill to it.It is easy.Get out of bed on the wrong side start up the biggest hedge trimmer available preferably petrol driven with a good long reach and lay into anything that offends or gets in the way while swearing like a trooper.I was doing this when Helen decided it would be better to get out of the way and go shopping.

The gardening tools have been fighting back.The flymo and the trimmer have both packed up and gone in the bin today.The big commercial brush cutter we have is a little more difficult to control.We now have a number of large bald patches on the lawn.

After such a day a beer cold out of the fridge helps.A soak in the bath with my floating candles and whale song may help.Behave.
Rock Salt and Nails What a song
Sunny spells.

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