Mr and Mrs Thomson

I do like a wedding. Granted the all day drinking is a factor in that but I think that of the three universal ceremonies - the welcome, the marriage, the farewell - it's the one I like best for more reasons than that. 

For a start, we don't choose to be born or to die (for the most part) but we do choose when we want to get married and to whom (again, for the most part). Of the three, it is the one that is within our control, that is our choice. 

And I think that the marriage is also the one that can become the most consumed in its own baggage: the dress, the flowers, the locations, the caterers, the photographer and on and on and on. 

Today we went to the wedding of the Minx's cousin, Adele, to her (now) husband, Simon. It was beautifully organised and tastefully done - which, in the nicest and most complimentary way, is exactly what I expected from Adele - but during the ceremony came the moment that will stick with me.

Simon and said his vows and it was Adele's turn and as she began to speak, I saw tears appear in her eyes and heard the strain in her voice as she made to speak without crying. And in that moment I saw that at the heart of the pageantry was the happiness of the fulfilment of her desire to spend the rest of her life with Simon. It made me choke, too. 

And of course she recovered and the ceremony proceeded apace and we went off to enjoy the reception, including a wedding band with one of the best and tightest rhythm sections I've ever heard. It was a splendid afternoon and evening.

Congratulations, Adele and Simon!

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