Rock On Titan!

Enjoyed my day doing a PR shoot for a shopping mall. The main attraction was Titan the Robot. Amazing performer.

There was also storytelling, which was the basis for the shopping centre's summer programme for kids, called The Fantastic Storyland. Other performers and activities have appeared on Saturdays since July. The programme continues until the start of the school year.

The shopping centre is raising money for the Literacy Trust.

With thanks to Captcha Photography for the gig.

On the way to Peterborough, I had an urgent call of nature. As luck would have it, I was passing by Cafe Ventoux. Why had I never come across this place before? It's amazing. It looks new but is supposed to have been founded in 1951, named after a cycling mountain called Ventoux in France. It caters to all things cycling. You can buy gear here and meet up with your mates. There's even le camping.

It being Saturday, it was full of men in colourful lycra who looked at me as if I'd come from Planet X, but the staff couldn't have been more helpful.  A good place to stop when heading east.

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