Red Flash

By RedFlash

Doggie Chums

Up early for me today so that Milo could meet Bryher, the puppy of our friend Sarah

Although Bryher is only about 3 months old she is as big as him. They raced around the kitchen, play fighting. He was of course being a perfect gentleman, whereas she was being a typical girl and playing dirty by nipping his boy bits - "go girl go"

Despite the appalling weather we took them in the field across from their house.

Milo and Bryher raced around the field with Milo bouncing over all of the tussocky grass.

I took 250 photos. Milo and Bryher are moving in all of them and as she is completely black it was hard to see in any of them how beautiful she is. He was being dried at the time and hence was being retained

Go large to see Mr F's thick socks

Milo must have been near something that he was allergic too while we were in the field as he kept scratching when we got home. After some anti-histamine he has slept for the rest of the day. I am concerned.

The things that made me smile:
They were racing around so much that Milo didn't notice the stream at the bottom of the field. He raced in and there was a look of such shock on his face.

As Milo is allergic to lots of things we took some of his fish twists with us - they are made out of fish skin.

We gave one to Milo and one to Bryher. When she had munched hers she nicked his. He kept looking for it.

Exercise: Raced round with a vacuum cleaner. Lifted a dishwasher and did a quick bit of hula hooping

PS Yes it is still broken so we are still hand washing everything

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