Edinburgh Chap's Photos

By GilesGuthrie

Late Summer Loch (267/366)

Spent the morning scoping East Lothian and the Borders on Google Earth for places that may reveal themselves to be spectacular landscapes. I settled on Gladhouse Reservoir as being a likely candidate.

Took the children with me, and navigated to where I thought I was going. It didn't really seem exactly how it had on Google Earth, but I put that down to my own inability to turn the plan view into reality.

The thing that struck me was that this place had a different name...

Took a snap with my phone to fix the GPS location, and it turns out I was at an entirely different place than I thought I was going. Never mind though, it looked OK to me.

This landscape epitomised what I love about Scotland. It's water, hills and open skies. The children were happy to pose on the jetty for me, although their claims about how great they were at standing still were not borne out when I composited the two exposures for this shot. They enjoyed their trip for Daddy's photo though.

The eagle-eyed may notice the halo in the clouds, above the bank of grey in the centre-right.

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